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This is the basic model in our range of doors: a standard door is a single-leaf door (or single door) that is hinged and oscillates within the ambit of an obtuse angle (which is less than 180 degrees). Our standard doors are available in several finishes, such as veneer, laminates and lacquer.

Standard B


As the name suggests, this is a door type with two door leaves equal or unequal in width. It is suitable for door openings larger than the maximum width of standard doors. In this case, a lot of our other door styles are applicable for combination. In other words, it is possible to have a linea, profile, French and in wall sliding door in a double door format. Our Double doors are available in several finishes such as veneer, laminates and lacquer.

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Security A.jpg


The security door may be described as appearing similar to a standard door. It is a swing door and what sets it apart is its advanced heavy-duty lock and hinge system. The door leaf is also much thicker than our other door for extra resistance against opposing forces. It is designed for internal applications, to secure rooms that hold sensitive information or property. The door is available in a variety of veneer and laminates as well as ornamentation with profiles.

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Similar to our standard door, the Linea door is a hinged door that oscillates between zero and less than one hundred and eighty degrees. The Linea door can be single or double-leafed, and can have wooden profiles attached to the door leaf. The Linear door is suitable for spaces with extremely high door openings. When the door leaf reaches its vertical limit, the door frame extends to heights reaching 2.8 metres.

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Linea Door Scene.png
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Aluminium doors offer a different frame compared to conventional wooden doorframe. In this case, the frame is constructed with extruded aluminium profiles. This system is compatible with glass partition walls. Both the glass sheets and aluminium profiles are available in various tints and colours. This type of door is only available as a normal hinged door (single or double leaf).

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Commonly referred to as a pocket door because of the semblance of the door leaf sliding into its sleeve, the in-wall sliding door is most applicable in situations where the space does not allow for the pivoting motion of a hinged door. The door leaf maintains its motion on one axis and partially disappears from sight into the sleeve, which is embedded in the wall, as the door is opened. The in-wall sliding door leaf can be ornamented with only wooden profiles and is available in all finishes.

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Sliding Door (on wall) Scene


In situations where the space does not allow for a normal hinged door that opens at a minimum of 90 degrees, the on-wall sliding door is the perfect solution. The door moves from left to right along one axis, consuming less space. It is most applicable in cases where the door cannot be sleeved into a wall and the door sheet is visible, resting against the wall.


Similar to our profile doors, the French doors are made with timber moldings, The inclusion of panes of glass is what separates the two. The French door is a semi-private door, suitable for spaces and functions that do not require visual privacy. Our French doors are available finished in lacquer, so they can be made available in the classic white or any other colour or tint (for the glass). They are strictly available as a normal hinged door (single or double leaf) or an on-wall sliding door.

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French Door Scene 1.png
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Unlike a conventional hinged door, this door is divergent, opening in both directions (inside and outside of the room). However, as a result, the door does not have a locking or closing system, making it ideal for places with high traffic and situations where opening and closing doors with the use of handles is not always possible, such as restaurants, factories, laboratories, and hospitals. Therefore, the door is equipped with a push plate.

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